Will US Forget UAE’s 19-Year-Old Betrayal for Israel Peace Accord?
The UAE FM US visit took place for the formal signing of the Abraham Accord in Washington. Though the peace deal is brokered by the Trump administration to stabilize relations between the two signatories, along with Bahrain, it strategically took place in the month in which both, Jews and Americans mourned the deaths of their people 19 years ago.
UAE FM US Visit or a Diplomatic Cover Up?
The UAE-Israel peace deal took place with US President Donald Trump overseeing the ceremony, but possibly overlooking an aggressive stance of the United Arab Emirates’ relation towards the two nations.
The month of September is a reminder of UAE’s betrayal of its foreign policy towards the United States. The month in which the US still mourns the loss of its people, the Gulf nation celebrates its borderline escape from being held accountable under the Jasta law, in the 19-year-old tragedy of the 9/11 attacks.
The event showed a sordid side of the UAE-US relation, where the Arab nation funded and armed the al-Qaeda hijackers who went on to attack the World Trade Center Twin Towers in 2001, killing almost 3000 people.
On the other hand, the US has been brokering a peace deal for year, which has only become a matter of access to advance F-35 fighter jets for the UAE.
Despite paying heavily for one of the biggest betrayals in the history of UAE-US relations, the former nation is prepared to risk its foreign policy and national security again by entrusting in the Gulf nation.
When the September 11 attacks took place, UAE’s name got embroiled as one of the perpetrators of the event. Out of the 19 hijackers, 2 came from the Emirates and the US Department of Justice also reported that the transfer of funds to the hijackers was carried out via the Emirates’ Dubai Islamic Bank.
In the lawsuit that was filed on the basis of the finding, it was alleged that the Dubai Islamic Bank “knowingly and purposefully provided financial services and other forms of material support to al Qaeda … including the transfer of financial resources to al Qaeda operatives who participated in the planning and execution of the September 11th attacks.”
The UAE FM US visit took place, despite what unfolded on the passing of Jasta. When the Congress voted to override Barack Obama’s veto on the Jasta law, it was Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan who warned the United States of ending international cooperation, had the UAE been held accountable in the state-sponsored terror attack.
AbZ stated that passing the Jasta law would “have negative effects on international cooperation in the fight against terrorism,” as the UAE h
The UAE FM US visit, Abdullah bin Zayed was the man who warned and threatened the United States of negative consequences for holding the UAE accountable in the 9/11 attacks.
The information, which came across after the gigantic email leak of the UAE’s ambassador to US, Yousef Al Otaiba also showed how the ambassador manipulated the US into going against the law to secure its relations with the Gulf nation and its perks.
Otaiba, in a letter to a senator claimed that he “understood” the need to provide justice, but not at the cost of risking the relations shared by the UAE and US. He highlighted how the aftermath of the Jasta law could put at stake the US military personnel and troops, its cooperation in intelligence sharing under counterterrorism efforts and the domestic and international investment by US.
How can a country, which rode on the threat mechanism to have its way in one of the world’s biggest terrorist attacks, be trusted to bring peace in the Middle East in the name of the Abraham Accord?
Will it be worth the effort for the United States to have brokered the UAE-Israel peace deal or would it be an invitation to more trouble and dominance over its foreign policy?